Radiofrequency /Thermalift


A radio frequency or thermalift treatment goes deep under the skin without surgical intervention,  using radio frequency waves, also called thermalift in medical context. A pain free and harmless treatment that has been used for medical purposes for more than 70 years. Radio frequency technology is the only non-surgical treatment that has a clinically proven effect.

RF has several useful uses. It suits you who want firm, wrinkle-free and cellulite-free skin by stimulating collagen formation, thus stretching the skin and making it smooth. If you have sore muscles, joints and tendons, RF has proven to be very effective in reducing pain, as RF generates heat which increases blood flow and oxygen supply. RF requires no healing time and generally produces good results immediately after treatment, as skin tightening occurs.

Radio frequency can be used on the following skin complications:

  • Skin slack
  • Wrinkles & fine lines
  • Cellulites
  • Stretch marks
  • Scars, acne scars & burnt scars
  • Pigment spots
  • superficial veins

Radio frequency treats sores & pains:

  • Sore muscles, joints and tendons
  • Tennis elbow
  • Arthritis

Shamá Clinic & Radio frequency/Thermalift

Shamá Clinic har i 15 år använt RF i kombination med egna produkter (olika preparat och antioxidanter). Detta för att öka den läkande processen och för att behandla dem som lider av smärta i muskulatur, hud och annan vävnad. Vi har med RF behandlat många patienter genom åren med goda och väldokumenterade resultat. Patienter från hela Sverige söker sig till oss för ärr och andra hud komplikationer. RF behandling har parallellt använts på dem patienter med hudskador som inte läkt på ett tillfredställande sätt.  Olika landsting remitterar patienter med svåra hudskador efter operationsingrepp, cancer och brännskador till Shamá Clinic.

For 15 years, Shamá Clinic has used RF in combination with its own products (various preparations and antioxidants). This is to increase the healing process and to treat those suffering from pain in muscles, skin and other tissues. We have treated many patients over the years with good and well-documented results. Patients from all over Sweden comes to us for treating scars and other skin complications. RF treatment has been used in parallel to those patients with skin lesions that have not healed in a satisfactory way. Different county councils remit patients with severe skin damage after surgery, cancer and burns to Shamá Clinic.

How does Radio frequency work?

Radio frequency waves generate heat which heats the lower layers off the skin and this stimulates the collagen. RF causes blood circulation and oxygen supply to increase. This causes fluid accumulation to decrease through lymph drainage. Even the fat cells are affected by RF when the water molecules in the tissue heats up, which causes metabolism to increase, which causes fat cells to decrease in size. The direct effect of a treatment is skin tightening and pain relief for those with pain. Long-term, new collagen fibers are formed, resulting in more elastic skin, reduction of wrinkles, better luster, radiance and younger appearance.

How many treatments is needed?

You will see clear results only a couple of hours after the first treatments. For a satisfactory result, 4-6 treatments should be made depending on the purpose and area of treatment. See price list here! A treatment is ongoing for approximately 25 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area.

How to care for the treated area!

After an RF treatment, a reddening occurs and stays for a few hours. You should refrain from physical activity on the day you were treated. We recommend that you use sun block for best results.